• Student Handbook
  • About
  • Payment
  • Course
  • Assessment
  • Student
  • Purpose of this Handbook
  • Emergency Procedure
  • Complaints and Appeals
  • Student/Client Service Feedback
  • Confidentiality and Privacy
  • Access and Equity, Anti-Discrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Diversity
  • A Healthy and Safe Work and Learning Environment
  • Disclaimer

Purpose of this Handbook

The purpose of this Online Student Handbook is to provide Students with information whilst completing their course of study with the REIQ. 

In this Online Handbook, Students will find information regarding:

  • The structure and operations of REIQ
  • Training and assessment services on offer
  • Procedures for recognition of prior learning (RPL)
  • Complaints and appeals processes
  • Policies regarding safety and discrimination
  • Student services and the privacy of your information

Please refer to this Online Handbook to support you in your study. The information contained within this Online Handbook is consistent with our approved policies and procedures. If the information contained is not clear and you require further clarification/direction or wish to view our full suite of policies and procedures, please contact us on 1300 MY REIQ. REIQ takes responsibility and follow processes to ensure our training and assessment practices comply with the National Vocational Education and Training Act and Training Regulator Act 2011.

The REIQ is committed to providing all new real estate entrants and existing real estate professionals with quality training that meets the needs of individuals and our profession.

This Student Online Handbook is a source of information for future and current students and outlines the policies and procedures that govern our training activities. We hope that your training experience is a fulfilling and beneficial one.

The training team are well equipped to deal with your enquiries and concerns. Please do not hesitate to make contact with them if you have any questions relating to your studies.

We thank you for selecting the REIQ as your registered training provider and look forward to working with you to achieve your real estate goals through the provision of quality training, assessment and guidance.

Emergency Procedure

REIQ has a duty of care to ensure procedures are in place for students and trainers/assessors to follow in the event of an emergency.

In the event of an emergency:

  • Immediately notify your trainer, assessor or other REIQ staff member if you become aware of any emergency situation or you feel unsafe.
  • Do not attempt to take any action that you are not professionally trained or qualified to perform.
  • Remember your own safety is your first priority.
  • Remain calm and follow the directions of your trainer, assessor, other REIQ staff member or emergency personnel.
  • Be prepared to leave all personal property and under no circumstances attempt to re-enter the building once you have been evacuated.
  • Do not leave any evacuation point until you have been instructed to do so. This ensures that everyone is accounted for and prevents emergency services personnel searching for people who have already left the area.

The health, wellbeing and safety of REIQ staff, clients and students are of paramount importance to the REIQ. If you require additional support or access to other services, REIQ will endeavour to facilitate your connections to the relevant service provider or organisations.

Complaints and Appeals

REIQ is committed to delivering the highest level of client and student services.

Part of this commitment is ensuring we provide a fair complaints and appeals process that respects the right of stakeholders. The principles of natural justice and procedural fairness will be adopted at each stage of the complaint and appeal process and all people involved will be treated with courtesy and respect.

The lodgment of a complaint or a request for an appeal will not disadvantage any student in their dealings with REIQ. The full policy and below is a summary of that information:

  • A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with a specific action or service of REIQ or an allegation involving the conduct of any REIQ staff, other students or a third party providing services on the RTO’s behalf.
  • An appeal is a request for a review of a decision made by REIQ (or a third party providing services on the RTO’s behalf), including decisions about assessment.
  • REIQ values complaints and requests for appeals as opportunities to identify operational improvements to quickly and appropriately respond to changes in the marketplace or stakeholder expectations.
  • The REIQ encourages options to informally raise and resolve issues however it also provides processes for formal complaints and appeals to be addressed.
  • Details on such processes and access to associated forms are freely and publicly available on the REIQ website.
  • Complaints and requests for appeals will be investigated by parties who were not involved in the event, circumstance or decision that is the subject of the complaint or request for an appeal using a variety of methods such as interviews and review of relevant documentation.
  • Details of complaints and requests for appeals will only be made known by those directly concerned.
  • A complainant or appellant will be supported during the process and may be accompanied by and/or assisted by a support person at any time.
  • If the complaints and appeals process fails to resolve a complaint or appeal, the complainant or appellant may request a review by a party independent of themselves and REIQ.

The subject of complaints and requests for appeals and outcomes are recorded in a register to allow an analysis of matters over time and ensure that such causes and opportunities are captured in the RTO’s continuous improvement records and procedures for monitoring compliance and continuous improvement.

Student/Client Service Feedback

For our guide on how to successfully study, click here.
Students will be requested to complete a survey upon completion of their course.

The Training Manager will ensure that all student /client feedback received is reviewed, considered and form part of the REIQ’s continuous improvement process.

Confidentiality and Privacy

The REIQ is bound by the provisions of the Australian Privacy Principles and guidelines contained and associated with relevant legislation.

A full privacy statement can be viewed on the REIQ website.

Access and Equity, Anti-Discrimination, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Diversity

The REIQ has a policy of Access and Equity for all students of the REIQ.

This policy covers issues such as course admissions and dealing with students who experience difficulties with meeting the competency standards of their training.

All REIQ training personnel are expected to deal with students with respect and consideration.

The REIQ is a non-discriminatory workplace and no-one is permitted to make discriminatory judgments about a person’s eligibility to undertake study with the REIQ.

The REIQ is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and abides by the provisions of the Anti- Discrimination Act 1991 (Queensland).

The REIQ does not tolerate discrimination nor does it tolerate victimisation or reprisals against employees or customers who make a complaint. Employees who violate this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action, which may include termination.

Any Manager or Team Leader who receives a complaint of discrimination and fails to investigate, notify the appropriate level of management or take corrective action pursuant to this policy may also be subject to disciplinary action, including termination.

The REIQ’s employees will not unfairly discriminate against each other or others on the basis of the attributes listed above.

Students who feel they are being discriminated against during the course of their dealings with the REIQ are requested to make their complaint in writing to the Training Services Manager in the first instance. All complaints of this nature will be investigated and dealt with in accordance with this policy.

A Healthy and Safe Work and Learning Environment

The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 outlines the requirements of an RTO in establishing and maintaining Work Health and Safety standards.

The requirements of an RTO as specified in the abovementioned Act are to:

  • Secure the health, safety and welfare of employees and other persons at work;
  • Eliminate, at the source, risks to health, safety or welfare of employees and other persons at work;
  • Ensure that the health and safety of members of the public is not placed at risk by the conduct of undertakings by employers and self-employed persons;
  • Provide for the involvement of employees, employers, and organisations representing those persons, in the formulation and implementation of health, safety and welfare standards.

In support of the above, the REIQ is committed to continuously provide:

  • A safe workplace, with a safe system of work;
  • Adequate WHS professional development for Training Students, employees, management and stakeholders;
  • Properly maintained facilities and equipment;
  • A clean, tidy, suitably designed workplace with the safe storage of goods such as chemicals if relevant.


The REIQ reserves the right to change or alter at any time, without notice, any of the information contained in this Online Student Handbook. While the information is current at the time of publication, we have no control of any information contained in this Online Student Handbook once it is printed, distributed or accessed on the website. Please confirm any information with REIQ Training by emailing training@reiq.com.au or phone 1300 697 347.

  • Introduction
  • About REIQ Training
  • The REIQ Training Missions
  • Overview of REIQ Courses and Training Programs
  • Legislative Obligations for the Real Estate Industry in Queensland
  • REIQ Head Office Details


The Real Estate Institute of Queensland (REIQ) is the state’s peak professional association for real estate practitioners since 1918.
With more than 100 years’ experience, the REIQ exists to support members and our students with information, industry-based training, products and resources that complement business practices, which in turn ensures high caliber professional services for the public.

About REIQ Training

The REIQ is a registered training organisation in Queensland (National Provider Number 5420).

This status means that we are able to provide students with nationally recognised training and assessment in real estate related Units of Competencies (UoCs). Our scope of registration can be viewed on the national training website www.training.gov.

As an industry peak body and a nationally registered training organisation, the REIQ is uniquely placed to provide the highest caliber industry-based training and assessment services, courses and programs.

REIQ delivers training programs throughout Queensland at both in-house and external venues and dedicated online learning and assessment portals.

The REIQ Training Missions

The REIQ is committed to providing the best training for the real estate profession. As the peak industry body, we are in a position to provide students with the most up to date and relevant information specific to their preferred real estate occupation of choice.

Overview of REIQ Courses and Training Programs

REIQ training caters for a wide range of real estate occupations and professions, such as:

  • Agency Administration
  • Real Estate Sales
  • Property Management
  • Licensed Real Estate Agents
  • Commercial and Industrial Sales
  • Commercial Property Management and Leasing
  • Resident Letting Agents
  • Real Estate Auctioneers

REIQ also delivers real estate specialised courses. These specialised courses are not nationally recognised. Details of upcoming courses are available here.

Full details of each course, delivery options, costs and other requirements, are contained in individual course outlines. These are available on the dedicated page for each course.

To discuss any of our courses, or to understand which course or licence is most relevant for you, please contact REIQ training on 1300 MY REIQ or email ask@reiq.com.au

Legislative Obligations for the Real Estate Industry in Queensland

You do not have to be employed in the real estate industry to complete a real estate course.

In accordance with the Property Occupations Act 2014 QLD (POA), all salespeople and property managers in Queensland are required to obtain at a minimum, a registration certificate from the Queensland Office of Fair Trading (OFT).

Registered agents who want to own or manage a real estate agency are required to complete the full Real Estate License Course.

To qualify for a real estate licence you must also satisfy the OFT’s suitability requirements which include disclosure of criminal history, bankruptcy and previous cancellations of licenses or registrations held.

While the REIQ aims to provide up to date information about licencing and suitability requirements, it is your responsibility to keep abreast of any changes to the registration and licensing requirements set by the OFT. It is important that you check compliance and legislative requirements regularly, as changes in VET training packages or other requirements may affect your successful application, registration and certification.

Details of the application process, prerequisites, fees and additional requirements can be found on the OFT’s website.

REIQ Head Office Details

Brisbane Office: Level 1, 50 Southgate Avenue CANNON HILL QLD 4170

Postal: PO Box 3447, TINGALPA DC QLD 4173

Telephone: 1300 MY REIQ

Email contacts:

  • Payment of Fees, Refunds and Cancellation Policies
  • Cancellations
  • Protection of Fees

Payment of Fees, Refunds and Cancellation Policies

The REIQ offers a variety of payment options to allow students to start studying, whilst gradually paying the allocated fees throughout the duration of the course. Terms of the payment options vary depending on the course and method of delivery.

The REIQ strongly advise that students read and understand the terms and conditions, prior to finalising enrolment. You can also read our refund policy here.


All requests for cancellations must be made in writing and will incur an Administration Fee.

For more information, please refer to the Terms and Conditions, or contact the training team at training@reiq.com.au or call 1300 MY REIQ. 

Protection of Fees

In compliance with the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 (Standards for RTOs), REIQ holds an unconditional financial guarantee from its nominated Australian financial institution.

This guarantee safeguards students fees paid in excess of $1500 if the REIQ is no longer able to deliver training and assessment services

  • Flexible Study
  • Course Completion and Certification Documents
  • Recognition Options
  • Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Skills and Requirements
  • Unique Student Identifier (USI)
  • Training and Learning Resources
  • Timeframes for Completion

Flexible Study

Students able to secure an additional three (3) months to the course duration upfront.

  • For standard course durations please refer to the associated course pages on the REIQ website
  • The three (3) month duration is based on calendar month and is not impacted by public holidays periods.

Course Completion and Certification Documents

The REIQ will issue an electronic statement of attainment for all units successfully completed as part of our nationally recognised courses.

Where a whole qualification has been undertaken, the REIQ will issue a qualification certificate showing the nationally recognised qualification code and name with a transcript of results for all the units contained in the qualification.

Statement of Attainment or Qualification Certificate may be reissued in accordance with the REIQ terms and conditions.

Recognition Options

REIQ offers the following recognition options:

Credit Transfer (CT)

In accordance with the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and the Standards for RTOs, REIQ recognises all statements of attainment and qualifications that have been issued by other RTOs.

Where a student has gained previous competency, they will be eligible for CT. The student must provide certified copies of their Statement of Attainment or transcript for credit transfer to be provided, or authenticated transcripts from the USI Registrar.


Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

RPL is the recognition of a students’ current competencies gained from other training towards the achievement of a Statement of Attainment.

RPL is different from CT. It cannot be granted on the basis of different or higher qualifications alone without an assessment process that identifies whether the applicant has the current knowledge and skill to apply the performance criteria and learning outcomes of a particular unit. You will need to provide evidence, upon which your assessor can base their judgement.

Evidence must be:

  • Authentic – it must be your own work
  • Sufficient – it must demonstrate competence over a period of time, that the competencies can be repeated, and the evidence can be easily assessed
  • Current – it must demonstrate up-to-date knowledge and skills
  • Valid – it must be relevant to the unit being assessed

You may be eligible to apply for RPL on one or more Units of Competency in your course.

The RPL process starts with self-evaluation. Students are requested to consider the learning outcomes of each of the units for which RPL is requested. Students must provide evidence demonstrating competency in the relevant unit. A self-reflection tool will be provided to applicants at this stage.
Following the review of the Self-assessment and documents provided, the REIQ will provide a summary to the student of the modules they may be eligible for RPL for. If the student wishes to proceed, the following costs apply:

  • RPL Assessment $125: (per module)
  • Gap Assessment: $125 (per module)

The REIQ will retain a copy of all supporting evidence and RPL documentation on file in accordance with administrative and record keeping requirements.

Full information on RPL and the guide to completing an RPL application as well as RPL application fees are available by contacting the REIQ training team.


Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Skills and Requirements

All REIQ courses require LLN capabilities, with a working knowledge of the English language and an understanding of various mathematical calculations.

If you are thinking about enrolling and aren’t sure if your Language, Literacy and Numeracy skills are at the standard required to achieve competence in the course, please contact the REIQ Professional Development team before you enrol. We can provide you with a short Literacy and Numeracy exercise before you enrol with REIQ in the course, and refer you to some providers that can assist you.

You are also required to demonstrate your LLN skills by completing a short LLN quiz prior to commencing your studies.

If you would like to discuss the LLN skills and requirements, please contact the training team on training@reiq.com.au or call 1300 MY REIQ.

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

All students studying a nationally recognised training course in Australia are required to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI).

The USI provides students with online training records and results (transcript) through an online USI account.

  • Students completing a nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) course require a USI to receive a statement of attainment or
  • The USI is available online, free of charge and can be accessed any time.
  • The USI will stay with you for life and can be recorded with any nationally recognised VET course as of 1 January.

If you require a USI, please visit the USI website.

Training and Learning Resources

The REIQ prides itself on providing up-to-date information, quality materials and comprehensive support to students currently undertaking their study with us.

REIQ training and assessments are developed by industry trainers in consultation with REIQ members and specialists in the subject area. Course materials are regularly updated to ensure that REIQ courses continue to comply with the legislative requirements.

REIQ trainers and assessors are highly skilled real estate industry experts, who aim to deliver invaluable industry insights and experiences to students. REIQ students will receive a comprehensive suite of online resources upon confirmation of enrolment.

Please contact the training team if you have not received a confirmation email prior to your course starting. Taking into account busy lifestyles of working professionals, the REIQ offer self-paced courses to allow students to complete the learning materials in their own time.

Timeframes for Completion

Students have 6 months from the date of enrolment to submit all assessments for individual units or short courses (Registration course, RLA Licence and Auctioneer Licence) and 12 months from the date of enrolment to submit all assessments for the Real Estate Agent Licence and the Certificate IV Program. After this time, your access will be cancelled. Extensions are able to be purchased for $300 for a 3 month period to reinstate access to the student portal.

Where a student may transfer / upgrade from an online program to a face to face delivery, the difference in costs will be applied ($90 for a Registration Program and $200 for Full Licence), plus an additional $200 administrative fee.  When a Transfer to a face to face delivery is applied, students access dates are not altered. (i.e. the commencement date will remain consistent with the original enrolment date).

  • Reasonable Adjustment
  • What happens if I get a “Resubmit”?
  • Plagiarism and Referencing
  • Appeals
  • Validation of Assessment Process
  • Assessment Practices and Processes
  • Submission of Assessments
  • Priority Marking
  • How your Assessments are Marked
  • Quality Management and External Review

Reasonable Adjustment

REIQ recognises that students thrive in different learning environments.


Therefore, the REIQ endeavours to make any reasonable adjustments to methods of teaching and the learning environment to meet the needs of students.


Any reasonable adjustments to the assessment process must ensure that the integrity of the unit of competency being assessed is maintained.


  • Reasonable adjustments to accommodate assessment requirements may include:
  • Writing material in plain English;
  • Providing audio-taped material for Students with sight disability;
  • Using signs, pictures and graphics;
  • Video recordings or Student demonstrating skills and verbally answering responses;
  • Interviewing the employer/supervisor about their work (where applicable); and
  • Asking Students to demonstrate their skills on-the-job (where applicable).


Where adjustments are made, a written declaration signed by the Student and the assessor must be submitted describing how adjustments were applied to the assessment.


In determining the reasonableness of an adjustment to an assessment, the vocational and professional outcomes of the course must be considered in order to ensure assessment decisions are appropriate.

What happens if I get a “Resubmit”?

Students are given the opportunity to re-submit written assessments if they have not met the required competency standards. The student will be requested to complete new assessments which will be outlined on the marked original submitted assessments. Students are encouraged to contact their assessor to discuss any issues or questions they have with respect to assessment tasks, requirements or timelines. Students are also encouraged to make use of the learning support services provided by REIQ and to contact the training team where further assistance is required.

Plagiarism and Referencing

All assessments that you submit must be your own.

The following examples constitute plagiarism:

  • Deliberately copying another person’s assessment;
  • Purchasing any form of assessment or paying someone else to complete assessments on your behalf and then presenting them as your own work;
  • Failing to reference someone else’s work and/or ideas (e.g. Copying sections of text and not acknowledging the author);
  • Presenting work done as part of a group as your own;
  • Using information (pictures, text, designs, ideas etc.) and not citing the original author(s); and
  • Unintentionally failing to cite sources of information.

 REIQ reserves the right to investigate suspected plagiarised assessment. Students who are found guilty will be required to re-submit and/or be subject to disciplinary proceedings for breach of the Code of Conduct.


Students have the right to lodge an appeal if they disagree with a decision regarding an assessment outcome.

Students are strongly encouraged to first discuss all assessment outcomes with their assessor, so they are aware of the reasons behind the assessment decision.

If students are not satisfied with the outcome of that discussion, a formal review of the assessment decision may be requested. For more information, please see our complaints and appeals policy and refer to our complaints and appeals form.

Validation of Assessment Process

The structured assessment items undertaken to determine performance standards within all of REIQ’s nationally recognised training have been developed with consistency and professional best practice in mind. The assessment process is validated to confirm evidence gathering techniques and required standards of performance, along with reviewing assessment tools and decisions.

To ensure consistency and fairness in assessment practices for students’ assessment items, and as an important part of the REIQ’s Assessment Validation Process, random samples of marked written assessment items (covering the full range of assessments and all of the REIQ trainers and assessors) are taken for verification and comment on a regular basis. An assessment validation panel led by an independent assessment consultant has the responsibility of ensuring that assessments provided to them for this purpose are assessed fairly, consistently, to the standard expected by the real estate profession and the training package, and in strict accordance with the REIQ assessor guides. The validation panel report back on any discrepancies or concerns with these assessments. Over the course of a calendar year, all assessors will have assessments scrutinised for selected units that they assess.

Assessment Practices and Processes

Assessments are a way for students to demonstrate skills and knowledge required for competency in their selected units of study.  A range of assessment methods and evidence gathering techniques are used to determine competency, allowing for differing learner needs.

The REIQ utilises a structured and consistent assessment process for units of competency contained in the qualification within its scope of registration. The same assessment instruments are provided to online students as well as to contact class students to ensure equity and consistency. At all times, the REIQ is conscious of the fact that many of its students live in geographically remote areas, meaning that any requirement for ‘face to face’ assessment would place an undue financial and time burden on some students.  However, REIQ’s assessment process which combines both verbal and written assessment items provides for ample opportunity for students to demonstrate competence.

Submission of Assessments

Assessments are completed and submitted electronically and will require students to have access to a computer, laptop or device to be able to edit and save documents. Where students do not have access to these devices, students must contact REIQ to discuss alternative requirements (fees may apply). The REIQ aims to ensure all assessments are marked and returned within 10 business days from date of submission.

Priority Marking

Priority marking is available when students require a faster turnaround on their assessment marking. This service ensures assessments are marked within three (3) business days from date of submission.

Priority Marking REIQ Registration Program and Other Courses ($300.00) for priority marking related assessments within 3 working days after submission.

Priority marking is available to have assessment marked within 3 business days and fees are applicable per course. The fee is applied throughout the enrolment period.

  • Must be paid in full before service commences.
  • Other courses include Auctioneer Specialisation and Upgrade program.
  • Once course expires, so does the product. No refunds provided in this instance.
  • In the case that the REIQ is not able to provide this service, based on unforeseen situations, pro-rate refund will be provided where requested.
  • Service offered for up to 12 Units (8 modules) and covers up to 3 submissions of each.
  • Priority Marking Full-license and CPP41419 Certificate IV Qualification ($600) for priority marking of related assessments within 3 working days after submission
  • Priority marking is available to have assessment marked within 3 business days and fees are applicable per course. The fee is applied throughout the enrolment period.
  • Must be paid in full before service commences.
  • Once course expires, so does the product. No refunds provided in this instance.
  • In the case that the REIQ is not able to provide this service, based on unforeseen situations, pro-rate refund will be provided where requested.
  • Service offered for up to 19 units (14 Modules), and covers up to 3 submissions of each.

For enquiries please email training@reiq.com.au for more information.

How your Assessments are Marked

For written assessment items, assessors are required to mark the assessment attempts against an assessor guide and use their own professional judgment. In all cases, assessors are required to make a judgment about the student’s demonstrated ability put into practice the learning outcomes and performance criteria of the unit in question.

In all instances assessment results can be accessed through the student portal. Individual marks are allocated to each question along with any comments from the trainer/assessor where applicable.

Quality Management and External Review

To ensure a consistently high level and compliant service is provided to all clients of our training services, the REIQ has a quality management system that involves the development, publishing and review of a range of policies and procedures that underpin the RTO operations.

In addition, the REIQ recognises the right of ASQA to conduct audits on our training and assessment processes and services. These audits are supported by the REIQ and every assistance is provided to ASQA during this process.

The REIQ has adopted procedures and policies to ensure compliance with the following legislative requirements and in line with our values and mission.

  • Access and Equity, Anti-discrimination, Equal employment opportunity and diversity
  • Confidentiality and Privacy
  • Complaints, Appeals and Client service feedback
  • A healthy and safe work and learning environment

This means that all students using the services of the REIQ are guaranteed a high level of service and training standards.

  • Student Support
  • Student Visa
  • Enrolment Procedures
  • Code of Conduct
  • Breaches of the Code of Conduct
  • Code of Practice and Related Policies
  • Student Protection through Governance Arrangements 

Student Support

Your assessments are an important part of the training and learning process, and they allow REIQ to make sure that you are prepared for your new role in real estate. REIQ’s Student Support is there at every stage to help you successfully navigate the process.

We offer personalised one-one-one student support sessions with our trainers during working hours, included in your course fees. These sessions are conducted via phone and can be booked online (calls only available to Australian phone numbers). See REIQ Student Support.

If you feel you require further tutoring, the REIQ offers a private tutoring service, able to be secured in 1 Hour blocks. ($120 per hour).

  • REIQ Trainers are able to provide contextualised student support and assistance in understanding the course content and assist with assessment requirements. However, students are required to complete assessment tasks themselves, applying their knowledge and understanding to complete the questions and tasks required.
  • Service offered Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm only.
  • Service offered remotely via Video conference (Teams Link)
  • Dates and times cannot be guaranteed as will need to be negotiated based on REIQ Trainer availability.
  • 48hours notice needs to be provided if cancelling, otherwise session will be forfeited.
  • REIQ reserves the right to cancel, postpone or re-schedule schedule tuition sessions due to unforeseen circumstances. Should this occur a full course refund and/or an opportunity to reschedule (without penalty) will be offered. REIQ is not responsible for any travel or accommodation fees lost.

Private Tuition able to be secured at the time of booking, or for further information please contact training@reiq.com.au.

Student Visa

REIQ is not registered for CRICOS and cannot accept enrolments from students visiting Australia on a student visa.

Enrolment Procedures

Prior to enrolment, take the time to review the following:

  • Course details
  • Student Handbook
  • Relevant policies and procedures
  • Terms and Conditions

These are all available via our website.

REIQ encourages all students to also review eligibility requirements imposed by the OFT to ensure that your chosen course aligns with your career objectives.

An online enrolment process is available via our website. You will be required to provide:

  • Your legal name as presented on your driver’s licence (Please note a copy of photo identification will be requested);
  • Your Unique Student Identifier (USI); and
  • Email address

Employer details may also be requested if you are already working in the profession.

Enrolments will not be confirmed until payment is received. Please see the Terms and Conditions for more information.

Upon successful enrolment you will receive written confirmation of your course details and any additional information relating to your enrolment.

The enrolment confirmation will outline the following:

  • Time, date and location of training; and
  • Resources you are required to bring throughout the course.

For any queries or guidance on the enrolment process, please contact REIQ training team at training@reiq.com.au.

Code of Conduct

REIQ students are required to abide by the following Code of Conduct.

This Code of Conduct applies to all environments and interactions within the REIQ. This includes, but is not limited to

    face to face,
  • online learning and communication portals,
  • email and phone communications; and
  • any REIQ social media platforms.

REIQ endeavours to provide a safe and effective learning environment free from any form of discrimination, bullying and harassment.

Trainers and students have a mutual right and responsibility to maintain a safe learning environment. Any form of discrimination, bullying, harassment or any obscene, offensive or insulting language or behaviour will not be tolerated.

  • Any breach of state or federal law (e.g. stealing, damaging property, assault etc.) will be reported to the relevant governing authority
  • Students are expected to:
    • complete their own work and reference where required. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and may result in termination of enrolment with no eligibility for a course refund
    • be respectful to fellow students and trainers
    • follow REIQ WHS Policy and report any incidents immediately
    • comply with all reasonable requests and requirements made by REIQ staff
  • Students must not attend any class while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs

Breaches of the Code of Conduct

For minor breaches of the Code of Conduct, students will receive a warning asking them to rectify their behaviour.

This may be a verbal reminder of the expected behaviour or an official written warning.

Termination of enrolment may also be enforced by the REIQ for breaches of the Student Code of Conduct.

Students may not be eligible for any course fee refund in these circumstances.

The REIQ encourages students to contact the training team for clarification on any aspect of this Student Code of Conduct or if they believe the Student Code of Conduct has been breached by another student.

Code of Practice and Related Policies

Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is the national regulator for vocational education and training in Australia.

REIQ understands the importance of complying with its regulatory requirements and do so by keeping up to date with relevant compliance requirements of a RTO.

This includes compliance with:

  • National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (Cth)
  • Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015
  • The Australian Qualification Framework
  • Directives (and guidance) issued by the Australian Skills Quality Authority

Additionally, the REIQ also abides by a range of other legal requirements at a State and Federal level around areas including, but not limited to:

  • The Real Estate industry
  • Consumer Law
  • Anti-discrimination laws
  • Copyright laws
  • Employment and Workplace Relations including Equal Opportunity
  • Fair Workplace
  • Privacy and Personal Information Protection
  • Workplace Health and Safety

Student Protection through Governance Arrangements 

For your protection as a Student, REIQ maintains governance arrangements across all of its operations, within its scope of operation.

The CEO ensures that REIQ complies with the VET Quality Framework and any national guidelines approved by ASQA and the AQF.